Jaipur Union
On the 20th of May, we brewed a double Jaipur at the Riverside brewery, producing 10,000 litres of wort. About 14 hours later, on the 21st of May, half of this Jaipur wort was transferred to the Union system and fermented there for about 4 days before being dropped out of the Union and pumped back into a separate racking tank. A few days later, we racked this, our first ‘union’ beer, into casks in the usual way, with priming sugar and finings and cask-conditioned them in our cold store.
On Friday we racked up a cask of the Union Jaipur in our taproom cellar, vented and tapped it and finally today we’ve got our first pour of on the bar, through a handpump, next to the normal version, to try them next to each other. It’s not that easy to tell the difference between the two, but they are certainly different and both are great beers in their own right.
Even as a Head Brewer with 20 years plus experience, I am still trying to find the words to articulate the difference. I would describe the Union-fermented version as more rounded and softer and perhaps less bitter. Let us know what you think!
Written by Rob Lovatt, Head Brewer/Production Director